sp home | contact | calendar | about | site map You want to create an opportunity to learn, to grow, and most importantly to succeed.

Lynne Duddy leads learning sessions for adults and college students. Using her experience
in storytelling, performance, design, research, and teaching, she delivers extraordinary learning opportunities:

The Art of Personal Narrative
Learn how to craft personal narratives. Break down barriers and build connections between people through story.

Build the Brand from the Inside Out
Understand the overarching story that influences your business and the internal story that motivates your people.

Workshop      Leader
                                       ... Lynne Duddy

Workshop Info [click on sample to view]

Lynne Duddy - Handout

Lynne Duddy - Activity: Markers of my Life

"I found Lynne to be one of the
most positive and caring
teachers I have ever had the
pleasure with which to work."

Lisa Paxton
Language Arts Teacher,
Beach School
sp sp

Building Strategy

Making Meaning

    Workshop Leader

Creating Beauty

© 2025 Lynne Duddy                                                                 home | contact | calendar | about | site map
storyteller, story, story making, stories, brand strategiest, strategy, strategies, brand, marketing, marketing communications, communicator, leader, teacher, trainer, UX, ux, user experience, anthropologist, enthnography, ethnographer, ethnographic research, research, researcher, researching people, behavior, human, humanize technology, humanizing technology, narrative, personal narrative, narratives, personal narratives, monologue, speak, speaker, address, digital stories, brand management, lynne duddy, Lynn Duddy, Lynne Duddy, PST, Portland Story Theater, Portland storytelling, Portland Storytelling Guild, Pacific Northwest, Pacific NW storytelling, writer, writing, write, journalist, facilitator, workshop leader, workshop, workshops, story workshops, storytelling workshops, storytelling workshop, Personal Narrative Workshops, Urban Tellers, tellers, urban tellers