sp home | contact | calendar | about | site map Give a remarkable experience to your staff by honoring them with a personalized program.

Lynne Duddy knows how to get people to open up, capture the authentic story, and tell it with grace and enthusiasm.

She has phenomenal stage presence and will create an unforgettable presentation for your staff retreat, annual meeting, or fundraiser.

NSA Lynne Duddy is a member of the National Speakers Association.

                         ... Lynne Duddy
Lynne Duddy
"Lynne is an exceptional
storyteller and speaker. She
has a way of captivating her
audience, entertaining while
at the same time, conveying
a powerful message."

Sarah Ortner
Food Bank Director, YMCA
sp sp

Building Strategy

Making Meaning


Creating Beauty

© 2025 Lynne Duddy                                                                 home | contact | calendar | about | site map
storyteller, story, story making, stories, brand strategiest, strategy, strategies, brand, marketing, marketing communications, communicator, leader, teacher, trainer, UX, ux, user experience, anthropologist, enthnography, ethnographer, ethnographic research, research, researcher, researching people, behavior, human, humanize technology, humanizing technology, narrative, personal narrative, narratives, personal narratives, monologue, speak, speaker, address, digital stories, brand management, lynne duddy, Lynn Duddy, Lynne Duddy, PST, Portland Story Theater, Portland storytelling, Portland Storytelling Guild, Pacific Northwest, Pacific NW storytelling, writer, writing, write, journalist, facilitator, workshop leader, workshop, workshops, story workshops, storytelling workshops, storytelling workshop, Personal Narrative Workshops, Urban Tellers, tellers, urban tellers