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About Lynne

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| Performance Experience

Founding Artistic Director
Portland Story Theater

Responsible for conceiving, developing, and implementing the artistic vision and focus for delivering engaging personal stories to adult audiences.
2019 - Present (part time)
2011 - 2018 (full time)
2004 - 2010 (part time)

American narrative artist, raconteur, and storyteller best known for short-form personal stories and work with Portland Story Theater's Urban Tellers®.
2001 - Present

Portland State University
2008 - 2010
BA - Graduated with Honors. Areas of focus:
Conflict Resolution, Communication, Philosophy. Completed full degree in two years.

UX Entrepreneur
Humanize Technology
Consultant creating authentic experiences that aligned
business strategies with the needs and
behaviors of real people.
2001 - 2008

Performance Artist
Worked in tandem with Lawrence Howard, using a unique delivery technique that is best described as a narrative duet.
2001 - 2008

Director of Experience Design
(UX, IA, Research, Strategy)

agency.com (now known as designory)
Developed world-class digital experiences using human-centered design practices.
1998 - 2001

Intranet Strategist
Philips Electron Optics | FEI Company

Built the company's first global intranet from the ground up.
1996 - 1998

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Building Strategy

Making Meaning

Creating Beauty

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