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Story stimulates the mind and sparks the imagination. Story heals us. Story excites us.
Story motivates us to action.

When we listen to stories, we travel to those places in our own psyches where we find ourselves in the stories. Story connects us to each other.

Trust the story.

I believe we become the story that we hear and tell, embedding the truth of each story deep in our core being.

I love that quote from Harold Goddard, the author of
The Meaning of Shakespeare, "The destiny of the
world is determined less by the battles that are lost and won than by the stories it loves and believes in."

Lynne Duddy
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Building Strategy

Making Meaning

Creating Beauty

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storyteller, story, story making, stories, brand strategiest, strategy, strategies, brand, marketing, marketing communications, communicator, leader, teacher, trainer, UX, ux, user experience, anthropologist, enthnography, ethnographer, ethnographic research, research, researcher, researching people, behavior, human, humanize technology, humanizing technology, narrative, personal narrative, narratives, personal narratives, monologue, speak, speaker, address, digital stories, brand management, lynne duddy, Lynn Duddy, Lynne Duddy, PST, Portland Story Theater, Lawrence Howard, Laurence Howard, lawrence howard, Portland storytelling, Portland Storytelling Guild, Pacific Northwest, Pacific NW storytelling, writer, writing, write, journalist, facilitator, workshop leader, workshop, workshops, story workshops, storytelling workshops, storytelling workshop, Personal Narrative Workshops, Urban Tellers, tellers, urban tellers